In going about our business on a daily basis, we are guided by the following principles:
Flexibility (ease of doing business) – English speaking staff within all functional areas of the business;
Knowledgeable of needs and expectations of Foreign companies; flexible in response to customer partner requirements.
Loyalty– Long term, win-win relationships and partnerships with customers, suppliers, investors and employees.
Quality – In our communications with each other, our customers and suppliers; in all of the products and services we provide;
and in our commitment to continuous improvement in all that we say and do.
Trustworthy – An open book approach to doing business – no hidden agendas; we clearly state our commitments and strive to meet them;
and we freely admit our shortcomings and correct them in a timely manner.
Financially Sound – We earn a fair profit; grow and invest in the business based on retained earnings;
and generate a return for all of our shareholders while providing a desirable place to work for our employees.